Zoom Conference from 25. – 29. May 2021

Under the guidance of Dr. Peter Krause, the first conference for treasurers of the Congregation took place from 25.05.-29.05.2021, to which Sr. Marija Brizar, Superior General, and the entire General Leadership had been invited. The conference was organised by Sr. Jaroslava Kotuľáková, our General Treasurer.

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Peter Krause, Lawyer of the Voelker Group of Reutlingen in Germany, all the participants were introduced to the topic of “Stable Patrimony” and dealt with it intensively. Dr. Krause was assisted by his colleague, Mr. Volker Rieger, during the conference.

Professional interpreters and other translators who simultaneously translated into the respective languages also contributed to the success of the conference.

Many thanks to all who contributed to the success!