Visitation in Kangle

The home for the disabled in Shangwu became too small with 20 seats, as the need for seats for disabled children and young people in the region was constantly growing. The bishop therefore offered the sisters the buildings in Kangle (Taitung) in 1999. The disabled children and young people and their caretakers moved into the vacant buildings. The government added another building to the centre.

3 to 4 sisters looked after the children and young people together with lay staff. Today, only Sister Cäcilia Lin remains in charge of the home. In the meantime, the children have grown up. There are presently 43 young people and adults aged between 13 and 41 living at this home.

We had the opportunity to join in the weekly prayer time with residents and staff on Tuesday morning. We were very touched by this impressive celebration.

Three sisters belong to the community. Sister Ai Tschüen Wu helps out in the common household. She takes care of the apostolate of prayer and gives religious instruction to some people. Sr. Theresia Gau works as the managing director of the “Holy Cross Maria Theresia Catholic Social Welfare Foundation” in Dschen Dee and provides transport services for the community.