The 3 hours journey to Kikyusa was through village road with nonstop shaking. We appreciate our driver for this careful and expert driving. The sisters, staff and students waited eagerly for our arrival. It was great joy to see the newly constructed maternity wing of the health center and the hostel for the girl children. The 15 sisters of the community has struggles as there is an insufficiency for the proper accommodation. They face a lot of challenges with courage and hope. They look for reasonable solutions in carrying forward the activities in various sections of the school, hostels and health center. The open sharing and discussions on matters of concerns of the community enlightened us about the social, cultural and environmental setting of the place. The sisters are grateful to all the sponsors who supported them in the past years and still continues the help. The Orientation of our mission in interior, poor villages ahs its consequences with regards to generating income as the people are poor and the area is far from development. Therefore sisters are thankful for every help. Our presence was a consolation and a good motivation to them.