Spiritueller Impuls 2

Litany of the Holy Spirit

Come, o Holy Spirit, renew the face of the earth.

Come, O Bringer of Blessing, renew the face of the earth.

Come, O Font of Knowledge, renew the face of the earth.

Come, O Promise of Plenty, renew the face of the earth.

Come, O Word of Kindness, renew the face of the earth.

Come, O Mother of Mercy, renew the face of the earth.

Come, O Light of Wisdom, renew the face of the earth.

Come, O Giver of Gladness, renew the face of the earth.

Hope of all who hunger, renew the face of the earth.

Teacher of truth and justice, renew the face of the earth.

Breath of life eternal, renew the face of the earth.

Fullness of God within us, renew the face of the earth.

Voice of God within us, renew the face of the earth.

Dwelling of Christ among us, renew the face of the earth.

Song of joy and gladness, renew the face of the earth.

Author of Love’s great story, renew the face of the earth.

Come, O Spirit of Jesus, renew the face of the earth.

Kindle your fire within us. Renew the face of the earth.

Litany of the Holy Spirit, Dan Schutte (Video)