General Visitation in Naricamp – Arunachal Pradesh and Bokola – Assam

The state of Arunachal Pradesh is a borderland between Bhutan, China and Myanmar to the East of India. The altitude ranges from 50 m to 7000 m above sea level.

After the flight to Guwahati, the route for Sr. Pratima and Sr. Dorothee led first to Bokola, Assam. The next morning, the journey continued with a 10-hour trip by jeep through very difficult terrain into the mountains to Naricamp, Arunachal Pradesh.  The place is completely remote.  To buy food, our three sisters have to drive four hours. They work in the school and care for the sick in the village and for students who are ill. The sisters started their collaboration with the Steyl Missionaries (SVD) in 2014, who run a school and boarding school in Naricamp. Besides their daily work, they visit the Christian families in the village. Both the small community of Steyl missionaries and our sisters receive very few visits. So the short time in the community was filled with joy and gratitude in a special way.

Bokola Community

Bokola is one of three communities in Assam and is the second community in the Tezpur diocese. Bokola is surrounded by forest. It is not uncommon for the elephants’ route to pass directly through our sisters’ compound.

All three sisters are active in the school.

We were welcomed by the children with a colourful programme of traditional dances. The short time in Bokola passed very quickly. It is impressive how the sisters share their work together and bear witness to our charism